Dick Lechleitner Tjapanangka

Dick Lechleitner Tjapanangka
Born: c. 1930's
Language Group: Anmatyerre
Country: Papunya, North West of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium: Acrylic and Oil on Canvas and Linen, Watercolour on Board, Boomerang Carving
Subjects: Sugar Ant, Women's Dreaming, Love Dreaming
Dick was born near Coniston Station although dates are conflicted; either around 1934 or 1944. He began painting with his friend Clifford Possum and his older brother Tim Leura. They began by carving boomerangs and painting dots on them to sell to tourists, also dabbling in watercolours before beginning to paint on canvas in the early 80's.
Dick moved to Alice Springs and established himself at Morris Soak. He joined Aboriginal Congress and served for nine years as well as a board member of the Tangentyere Council. Through these associations he fought hard for the establishment of town camp leases, including Morris Soak. He led his people to regain their traditional land, establish self-autonomy and self reliance. He also co-authored two books with Pam Nathan; Settle Down Country and Health Business.
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT
The Holmes à Court Collection, Perth, WA
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, SA
Flinders University Art Museum, Adelaide, SA
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA