
Pwerle Sister Collection

Here is an opportunity to buy a collection of paintings by the Pwerle sisters; Minnie, Geyla, Emily and Molly. This collection includes a 30 x 30cm painting on linen by each artist.

The special price for this offer is

$2 385

Minnie, Molly, Emily and Geyla

The Pwerle Sisters

These four lovely ladies are sisters who grew up in the remote outback of Australia in an area we know of as Utopia, North East of Alice Springs. Although Minnie passed away in 2006 and Molly in 2023 the remaining sisters continue to live in their outstation, known as Atnwengerrp.

These sisters were all born in the bush in the 1920's/1930's and have grown up in the traditional ways of the Aboriginal Dreamtime (Mythology, Initiation, Ceremony and Sacred Sites).

Minnie was the first sister to begin painting after much encouragement from her daughter, Barbara Weir, and she made a strong entrance into the Australian art world with her strong colours and bold designs. It didn't take long before Minnie's original paintings became a sought after piece for any Aboriginal Art collection.

Emily began painting not long after in 2001 and Molly and Geyla together began in 2004. All four sisters paint with bold colours and simple, free flowing designs that capture their stories and ceremony.


Each image below scrolls individually to help you see what your collection might look like together.


To make your final purchase, take note of the MB numbers of the paintings above and find the corresponding numbers in each artist collection below. Select one from each artist and hit 'Add to Cart'.
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Please select one painting from each of the below lists to add to your selection:
  • Emily Pwerle - MB056485
  • Emily Pwerle - MB059215
  • Emily Pwerle - MB058315
  • Emily Pwerle - MB060537
  • Emily Pwerle - MB059763
  • Emily Pwerle - MB057229
  • Emily Pwerle - MB056151
  • Emily Pwerle - MB057664
  • Emily Pwerle - MB057963
  • Angelina Ngale - MB055990
  • Emily Pwerle - MB055712
  • Emily Pwerle - MB059758
  • Emily Pwerle - MB055987
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB059189
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB055721
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB056500
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB058620
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB059744
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB059750
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB059190
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB059187
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB058302
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB058299
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB057576
  • Geyla Pwerle - MB056967
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016492
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016450
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016529
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB029456
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016699
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB022472
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB029489
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB028454
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB017655
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016700
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016536
  • Minnie Pwerle - MB016453
  • Molly Pwerle - MB058330
  • Molly Pwerle - MB054592
  • Molly Pwerle - MB059116
  • Molly Pwerle - MB059209
  • Molly Pwerle - MB058609
  • Molly Pwerle - MB057549
  • Molly Pwerle - MB059114
  • Molly Pwerle - MB058613
  • Molly Pwerle - MB057989
  • Molly Pwerle - MB057138
  • Molly Pwerle - MB057131
  • Molly Pwerle - MB056518