Natasha Kunoth Ngale
Natasha Kunoth Ngale
Born: 1986
Language Group: Alyawarre
Country: Ahalpere, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Subjects: Anwekety (Conkerberry), Ahakeye (Bush Plum) Dreaming, Tharrkarr (Sweet Honey Grevillea)
Natasha started painting in 2017. Her uncle is Dinny Kunoth who is a prominent male artist. She learnt to paint by observing Josie Kunoth (Dinny's wife) and other female artists in Utopia.
Natasha loves painting and explores to develop her own style. She uses very fine dot work to create linear patterns to describe her country and associated stories.
Mbantua Gallery Collection, Alice Springs, NT