Julie Pengarte
Julie Pengarte
Born: c. 1970
Language Group: Anmatyerre
Country: Atoola (Bushy Park), Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas and Linen
Subjects: Yerrampe (Honey Ant) Dreaming, Country, Awelye (Women's Ceremony)
Julie is daughter to artist Rosie Pwerle. Her father's country is Bushy Park and this is the country she associates with. It lies between Ti-Tree and Woola Downs, south west of the Utopia Region. A main Dreaming story belonging to this area is that of the Yerrampe (Honey Ant) of which Julie is known to paint. Julie is not a prolific artist and her first paintings for Mbantua Gallery were in 2002.
Mbantua Gallery Collection, Alice Springs, NT