c. 1953
Language Group:Alyawarre
Country:Atnwengerrp, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium:Acrylic on Canvas, Wood Carving
Subjects:Grass Seed Dreaming, Men's Ceremony, Bird, Bush Turkey, Ceremonial Man, Camp Dog, Hat
Wally was renowned for his sculptures and his paintings, which exemplify the distinctive style of Utopia's male artists. His work often depicted country and ceremony through intricate linear dot work, creating concentric circles and parallel lines.
Wally was married to Janice Clarke Kngwarreye, a highly accomplished painter in her own right. The couple had seven children together. Wally's brother was the late Louie Pwerle, a respected sculptor and painter.
Carved from the wood of trees found in Utopia, this sculpture shows a man prepared for ceremony. Ceremonial body paint designs can be seen on his body.