Language Group:Anmatyerre
Country:Ankerrapw, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium:Acrylic on Canvas and Linen, Jewellery, Drawing
Subjects:Awelye (Women's Ceremony), Country, Women Collecting Bush Medicine, Imuna (Bush Food), Bush Medicine, Women Collecting Ntyemeny (Ruby Saltbush), Awelye (Women's Ceremony) for Ntyemeny (Ruby Saltbush), Ntyemeny (Ruby Saltbush), Women at Camp and Hunti
Dianne began painting for Mbantua Gallery in 2002. She paints beautiful fine dot work and has always had a great feel for colours. Her mother, aunties and sisters are all Utopian artists and Dianne was happy to join them in their community affair.
Dianne paints women collecting Ntyemeny, known as the Ruby Saltbush (Enchylaena tomentosa). A soft greyish shrub with small flowers and bright red or yellow berries, the Ntyemeny is found in abundance around Alice Springs and throughout Central Australia in every habitat. The Aboriginal people would eat the Ntyemeny berries when ripe and juicy or reconstitute the dried berries in water.
Women, represented by 'U' motifs, can carry with them their digging sticks and coolamons (carved wooden bowls) which are typical instruments used for collecting many bush foods.