c. 1960
Language Group:Alyawarre
Country:Atnwengerrp, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium:Acrylic on Canvas
Subjects:Akarley (Northern Wild Orange), Imuna (Bush Food), Country, Awelye (Women's Ceremony), Women's Story, Bush Medicine, Bush Tucker
Susan has spent her life between her mother's and father's country, located northeast of Alice Springs. Raised with a traditional education, she learned the songs, stories and dances for her country from the senior women in her community. Today, she resides on her mother's country, Atnwengerrp, surrounded by her large extended family. Susan began painting for Mbantua Gallery in 1996.
Susan paints Bush Medicine. There are different types of bush medicine in the Central Desert. In the 'olden days' the leaves and the seeds of this plant were gathered, ground and mixed with animal fat (today a commercial oil is used) and it is then used as an ointment or boiled in water for medicinal use.