Language Group:Alyawarre
Country:Ngkwarlerlaneme and Arnkawenyerr, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium:Acrylic on Canvas and Linen, Batik on Silk
Subjects:Ilyarnayt (Acacia Flower), Alhepalh (Acacia Shrub), Country, Camp Scene, Awelye (Women's Ceremony), Rainbow Dreaming, Tharrkarr (Sweet Honey Grevillea), Yerrampe (Honey Ant) Dreaming, Women Collecting Ilyarnayt (Acacia Flower)
Hazel Morton Kngwarreye is the daughter of Katie Kemarre (second wife to Billy Petyarre) and comes from a large extended family. She has had an extensive career as an artist and she began painting for Mbantua Gallery in 1991.
Initially Hazel worked in the medium of batik along with over eighty other women, including many of her family, from the Utopia Region in Central Australia. During this time she was involved with the batik workshops and is represented in the Holmes à Court Collection 'Utopia - A Picture Story', 88 silk batiks, which toured extensively. Hazel was also part of 'A Summer Project' 1988-89. Many of her step sisters, cousins and her sister Janice are also artists for Mbantua Gallery, sharing many of the same stories and a similar style, unique to their large family.
Hazel paints women collecting Ilyarnayt (Acacia Flower), a rare and attractive plant growing throughout Central Australia. This plant is particularly favoured for the abundance of edible grubs living in the roots, known simply as Ilyarnayt, and also its seeds (Ntang Ilyarnayt) which are collected, ground into a paste and used for making damper (bread).
Women, represented by 'U' motifs, can carry with them their digging sticks and coolamons (carved wooden bowls) which are typical instruments used for collecting many bush foods.