c. 1960
Language Group:Anmatyerre
Country:Ahalpere, Utopia Region, North East of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Medium:Acrylic on Canvas
Subjects:Ahakeye (Bush Plum) Dreaming, Goanna Dreaming, Bush Berry, Possums
Matthew's paintings represent the Dreamtime story of Ahakeye (Bush Plum) which is found in the desert. Matthew is the son of renowned artist, Kathleen Ngale and Motorbike Paddy who also paints the Ahakeye. Matthew's sister, Elizabeth Mpetyane is also a painter. During 2000 Matthew commenced painting for Mbantua Gallery.
Matthew paints the story of the Ahakeye. This a very important story for Matthew that belongs to his country, Ahalpere. The ahakeye, called bush plum in English by Matthew, is also known as the native currant or citrus. This shrub produces small white flowers, deep green citrus-like leaves and the ahakeye, which are black when ripe and very small. This fruit is favoured for its sweet taste and can be reconstituted in water if dry.